I recently came across an interesting article published in The Daily Caring…Should you move an Alzheimer’s patient if you are disenchanted with the facility? They give interesting […]
According to a recent article in The Care Home Professional, only four out of 50 care homes contacted sent contracts on request, and three of those four […]
Did you know you can stop a hospital from discharging someone to an inappropriate facility? If your loved one is given an incorrect diagnosis, this is […]
Caregivers are usually thrust into caring for an aging parent or disabled relative without any preparation. As a result, they’re often blind-sided by the complexity of […]
Older adults and the chronically disabled who qualify for the waiver program for home services now have three insurance companies to choose from in the state […]
Company aims to be new breed of advocate. We are thrilled to be featured in this most recent article published in the Post Gazette. Often times hospitals, […]
The Pittsburgh Business Times’ Healthiest Employers Wellness Expo is on June 8th at the Westin Convention Center Hotel, 1000 Penn Avenue from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. […]
Jeff Weinberg, owner of Caregiver Champion, was recently a guest on eCare Diary’s “Empowering Family Caregivers” Blog Talk Radio Show. Jeff is a certified healthcare and patient advocate with […]
In my most recent blog, What Does a Patient Advocate Actually Do?, I discussed examples of what my 94 year old mother-in-law encountered while in the hospital, and how […]